haley hoffman smith hq:

Resources & F.a.q's


Answer's to some commonly asked questions


What is EFT Tapping?


Is eft tapping really effective?


how can i learn to tap?


how do slingshot sessions work?


how long will i have access to the programs i purchase? 


who do you recommend for intuitive readings?


What is EFT Tapping?

EFT “emotional freedom technique,” or tapping, consists of lightly tapping on the body’s meridian points (rooted in Chinese medicine) to clear and release any energetic or emotional build up in the body. This is powerful for a host of emotions, promoting deeper inner peace, and also for clearing resistance or limiting beliefs to accessing your next level! 

I strongly recommend listening to my podcast episode with my practitioner, Tiffany Jeffers: Tapping Into All You've Ever Wanted: Emotional Freedom Tapping with Tiffany Jeffers

And my episode with EFT YouTube sensation Brad Yates: EFT Tapping to Unlock Success with Brad Yates


is eft tapping really effective?

It sure is!

But it’s always good to do some research. Here’s an amazing peer-reviewed research article on its efficacy.
There’s also some great information and research here. 


how can I learn to tap?

Watch my EFT DIY Video on Youtube: How to Tap on Your Own!

I also built a FABULOUS program/course for that! Learn more about it on the Courses Page!

I also recommend Brad Yates videos on YouTube. Tap along with him!


How do Slingshot sessions work?

1. First, the beginning of each slingshot session will guide you to identify the core limiting beliefs and emotions behind the blocks. You may already know some of these, but the deeper in-depth we can go, the better.

2. Then, three of the main blocks/beliefs will be worked on using tapping. I will guide you through the rounds. If you want to do some advanced practices the meridian points we will work with include front of the eyebrow, side of the eye, underneath the eye, and by your collarbone. Then, you squeeze your wrist and take a deep breath in!

3. The tapping will be accompanied by a combination of scripts I wrote for each blockage, and also ‘funny animal stories’ that will distract your mind in order to prune away the neural pathways associated with the block.

4. We will be doing four total rounds of tapping per each of the three blocks, which should bring down intensity tremendously, if not completely eradicating the emotion. But either way, you’re set up for success: you’ll know now how to do it on your own, and you’ll also have access to scripts and a few “do it with me” videos so you can continue some of the work on your own.


how long will i have access to the programs I purchase?

You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to every single program.


who do you recommend for birth chart/ astrology readings?

Haley faithfully goes to Carron Astrology, Citrine & Stars (@citrine.and.stars on IG), and Tati Petkovic.


who do you recommend for intuitive readings? 

Haley recommends Anna Galliers and Seph @talktomyangels. 


what are your favorite books for manifesting, spirituality, etc.?

All of Haley’s favorite books are linked here!

And, watch this YouTube video to learn about each of the books and why she recommends them!

Resources with HHS

recommended apps:

One of the most powerful ways to manifest is to rewire your subconscious mind at night via listening to affirmations. My favorite way to do this is with the ThinkUp app, just because it’s made for just this. Watch my YouTube video about how to use the app!

thinkup app:

recommended meditations:

I have a guided morning meditation to help you ground, call back your energy, and visualize your dream life! Download it for free here!

I also LOVE Brian Scott’s 10 min Quantum Jump meditation!

recommended products:

All my favorite products (for health, filming, spirituality like Oracle decks, manifestation tools) are linked in my Amazon storefront here!

recommended podcasts: